HomeTechnologyWhat Do the Snapchat Planets Mean? Find Out Your Rank!

What Do the Snapchat Planets Mean? Find Out Your Rank!

Confused about Snapchat Planets? Discover the hidden meaning behind each one and how they reflect your friendship status on Snapchat! ✨

Messaging apps like WhatsApp and Threads have already become the shining stars of the market. Their exclusive features make communication seamless and convenient.

But Snapchat’s standards remain unbeatable! Developed and released in 2011, this multimedia messaging app has proposed a new communication platform and fostered innovation in the market.

Its playful and intuitive interface keeps the users engaged and offers a greater level of fun. Although teenagers are the main target audience, you can consider Snapchat to be the go-to messaging app for the entire youth generation.

Recently, it was revised with a brand new feature, the Snapchat Planets. Available for the Snapchat Plus members, it shows who is your closest friend and who is yet to achieve the position.

As the name sounds, it capitalizes on our solar system, representing your top 8 friends as the planets. If you are yet to discover this stellar feature, don’t worry as we are here to guide you.

In this following discussion, Okayreview will illustrate what these Snapchat planets are about and all other relevant details.

So, let’s get started!

Snapchat Planets: Your Friend Solar System

We all have read about our solar system for ages. But just for a reminder, let’s recollect! The central position is occupied by the sun, which can be considered the main driving force.

Surrounding it are eight planets, each revolving around at a specific distance. This same concept is used to build a friendly ranking system within Snapchat.

Also known as the Friend Solar System, the Snapchat planets represent your closest friends using their bitmojies. You will be the sun of the solar system, placed right at the center.

Your best friend or the person with whom you have shared most streaks will be the Mercury of this solar system. Similarly, your next closest friend will be Venus, and so on till the 8th planet or Neptune.

There is no specific order in which the planets represent your friends. Rather, it considers the interaction level between you and the people on your friends list. The person with whom you have the most interaction will be positioned closest in the solar system.

Order and Meaning of the Snapchat Planets

Every single planet in the Friend Solar System will represent one of your friends on Snapchat. The ordering is kept the same as that of our solar system to draw relevance.

For example, Mercury determines the closest pal you have, while Neptune is used to denote the friend with whom you have the least interaction.


snapchat planetsRepresented using a red-colored planet emoji, Mercury is the first planet in the Friend Solar System.

The person with whom you have shared the most streaks to date will be positioned on this planet.

Surrounding it are five red hearts, symbolizing the close relationship you share being the sun. 


snapchat planetsThe planet Venus will represent the second closest friend you have on your list on Snapchat. The person with whom you have shared shares a lot of laughs regularly.

This planet is light brown with blue, pink, and yellow hearts surrounding the same.


snapchat planetsYour third closest friend will be represented as the Earth in the Friend Solar System.

It refers to the friend with whom you share a loyal bond, mutual support, and reliability and full of life.

This planet is an exact look alike that of the real Earth, with blue and green colors. You will also find the moon revolving around it in addition to the red hearts.


snapchat planetsIt is one of the most beautiful Snapchat planets, represented by a fiery red color.

Your fourth closest friend will be Mars, proving the close bond you share with passion and shared interest. Surrounding it are the yellow-colored stars and blue and purple hearts.


snapchat planetsJust like our solar system, Jupiter will represent your fifth closest friend.

You may not interact with the person daily but some days or the other, you do share messages and images.

Snapchat designed this planet with a bright orange color background with darker stripes around it. Multicolored stars revolve around the planet.


snapchat planetsSaturn is positioned as the sixth planet in the Friend Solar System and represents your 6th best friend.

It represent for a steady and wise buddy who is always there for you.

The app uses a bright yellow colored bitmoji to represent the planet with a colorful ring around it. You can also see a few stars adorning the planet, enhancing its beauty.


snapchat planetsRepresented by a green planet and surrounded by yellow stars, Uranus is the seventh planet.

It refers to the Friends that introduce you to new ideas, challenge your way of thinking, and give you a different point of view.

It signifies the 7th closest friend you have on Snapchat with whom you do not interact much.


snapchat planetsThe person with whom your interaction is the least will be the Neptune of the Friend Solar System on Snapchat.

It refers to the friends that you don’t Snap with very often or might not be in constant contact.

It is represented using a dark blue colored planet with light blue stars revolving around it.

How Does the Snapchat Planet System Work?

All the Snapchat planets represent the friends with whom you interact the most on this messaging app. The ranking system follows a technique where your communication with your peers will be evaluated.

Unlike the actual solar system, where planets have fixed positions, these Snapchat ones do not have such restrictions.

In other words, someone who has been marked as Uranus in the Friend Solar System can move up the list and become Venus once you start interacting more. So, this list continues to change with time, depending on how much you communicate.

The same goes for your friend’s solar system. Once you click on the Best Friend badge, you can see the planet you are on.

You don’t need to also have the same planet as that of your friend. For instance, let’s say your friend is represented by the Earth in your solar system. It may happen that you will get the 5th position or that of Jupiter in their solar system.

Final Thoughts

The Snapchat planets are indeed fun and interesting. They will help you rank your close friends easily and understand the bond you share with them.

Remember, this arrangement won’t be permanent. Rather, it will depend on the interaction level you share with your friends. Some may continue to move up the list, while others might move down.

You can easily access this feature once you subscribe to Snapchat Plus. So, do not contemplate much and get the subscription. After all, who doesn’t love to know the level of friendship they share with one another!

Jonas Nilsons
Jonas Nilsonshttps://www.okayreview.com
Jonas Nilsons is a licensed technical expert and has offered his services to Okayreview.com for a long time. He profoundly loves new gadgets and is always eager to try out the latest technologies.

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  1. Great article! Your breakdown of Snapchat Planets makes it easy to understand this fun feature. The explanation of the friend ranking system is super helpful. A section on improving your position in a friend’s solar system would be a great addition.


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